Advantages of Learning Through Play-Way Methods?

Children are happiest when they are engrossed in play. That can happen in different forms, like playing with toys, playing outdoor games, hide-and-seek or simply by running. Children improve their motor skills, enhance their imagination and creativity by playing. Playing enhances various aspects of a child’s development such as physical, social, psychological and intellectual skills. Both gross and fine motor skills come under physical development.
At preschool level, learning through play or play-way method is a very popular methodology of imparting education to children. Play-way method is mostly “Activity based” or “Hands on Experience” learning. Children step out of their home and familiar surroundings to learn among different people, who include their peers and teachers. At Pika Kidz we encourage learning through play-way methods.

Here are the advantages of using play-way under the following heads:
1.   Physical Value: A child’s body development is influenced by physical activity. It provides opportunities for the movement of various parts of the body which help in his/her muscular development. Blood circulates more freely when they are playing, this helps in the elimination of bodily wastes. It helps the child to keep physically fit.
2.  Intellectual value: Learning is more effective when the child is more curious to learn. Play-way provides many such opportunities to learn while playing. That is why Pika Kidz curriculum is based on play-way techniques.
3.   Social Value: Playway methodology gives children a chance to play and work with their peers. Through this they learn to coordinate, wait for their turn, to take the lead and to follow.
4.   Emotional value: Play helps in stabilizing the emotions of children. They can overcome shyness, moodiness, timidity, stress and sensitiveness.
5.   Developmental value: Play is an important means of growth. There can be no growth without play. It provides opportunities for the overall development of the child.
6.   Educative value:
Play-way has educative value as it provides opportunities for children to learn.
It is a great motivating force for a child. Play-way activities are based on the needs of the children.
It follows learning by doing and practice, which is very much effective than orals.
Play-way assures maximum freedom for the child with the result that he/she develops creativity and imagination skills. Hence through play-way, children learn to co-operate and help each other while playing. Along with gaining knowledge, it inculcates various other skills in a child. It helps them connect with peers and teachers- easily facilitating the overall and holistic development of a child. Pika Kidz truly believes that play-way methods help in fast learning.